Lost Foam Casting Technology

Research and Application of Lost Foam Casting Technology in Engine Cylinder Block & Cylinder Head
It is a key to produce the qualified products by Lost Foam Casting Technology .
Automobile Glass Checking Tools CAD / CAM and Investigation of the Lost Foam Casting Technology
The Measures for Preventing Distortion of Thin wall Case Casting by Lost Foam Casting Process Technology Designing And Improvement for Foundry Balancing Axle Case Casting
With the rapid development of LFC ( Lost Foam Casting ) technology , magnesium alloy LFC has been used widely abroad and at home , and operative technologies of magnesium alloy LFC have also been researched and developed largely .
With the aid of synthetical technic of CAD / CAM , development period has been shortened , product quality has been stabilized , nationalization of full mold casting mould of realized and lost foam casting production technology has been richened and developed .
Lost Foam Pattern for Investment Casting Technology